Get up to $100,000 in down payment assistance to purchase your FIRST home!
For nearly 30 years, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) has been one of the leading affordable housing developers in Los Angeles County. We are a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We welcome anyone who shares our belief that everyone needs a safe, decent, affordable place to live, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views, or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people.
Program Summary
Habitat LA helps first-time homebuyers looking to purchase a home in greater Los Angeles County. Eligible households can qualify for up to $100,000 in mortgage assistance to help with the down payment on a single-family home, condo, or townhome.
- Up to $100,000 in gap financing to help families put a down payment on a home
- 0% interest loan, payable at 30 years funded by CalHome
- Can help households save on interest during the lifetime of the loan
Eligibility Requirements
- Low-income (income not to exceed 80% of the area median income)
- Credit score (minimum 650, with exceptions for lower score)
- Must be a first-time homebuyer (have not owned a home in the last 3 years)
- All people on the loan must also be included in the title
- Applicant must be a US Citizen or Legal permanent residency
How to apply
Contact us today to see how you can qualify for down payment assistance!
- Email for an application
- Call 310-323-4663 xt. 316
Why we care
Nationally, there is a shortage of affordable homes for low-income families. Homeownership is a key building block for stable, vital neighborhoods as well for the wealth, education, and health of individual families. There is no investment alternative that is as beneficial as homeownership for building assets, and, as new research is beginning to demonstrate, investments in homeownership improve housing affordability.
Homeownership offers families stable housing costs because mortgage payments on fixed-rate loans don’t increase, unlike rents. Since much economic inequality is rooted in the racial gap in homeownership rates, it is critical to launch a renewed effort to boost the U.S. homeownership rates among people who have been shut out of this important means of building wealth.