Congress is in the midst of determining spending levels for federal programs and has proposed drastic cuts to essential housing and service programs, like HOME.
The Senate Appropriations Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) subcommittee dealt a staggering blow to the HOME program yesterday with a proposal to fund HOME at just $66 million in FY16, a 93% cut to the already record-low funding level of $900 million in FY15.
Habitat’s position:
The bottom line is that cutting funding for HOME would mean sacrificing the long-term goal of providing decent, affordable housing across the country. We support the amendment Senator Chris Coons (Delaware) will propose that would fund the HOME program at $1.2 billion in FY16, a 33% increase above the FY15 level.
Take action!
Ask Senator Feinstein and Boxer, especially Senator Feinstein who sits on the Appropriations Committee, to support the Coons amendment.
Sample tweet: @SenFeinstein please save the HOME program & vote YES on the @ChrisCoons amendment. #SaveHOME @HabitatLA
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