Long Beach Welcomes Four New Habitat Homeowners

On August 23, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) celebrated the completion of four new homes near the Washington neighborhood of Long Beach with a home dedication ceremony.

During the ceremony, the Chavez, Hayes, Nall and Ortiz Families were presented with family bibles and keys to their new Habitat homes. Habitat staff, partners and sponsors were also in attendance and acknowledged for helping make the new four-home Clarke Estates complex a reality.

The journey to homeownership has not been easy for these families, but their hard work and dedication paid off as they are now able to purchase their homes with an affordable mortgage. The families completed education workshops through Habitat LA’s Family Investment Program, along with completing 500 hours of “sweat equity.”

“I am honored to be a part of the Habitat for Humanity family. Thanks for making my family’s dreams come true!” said homeowner Durneall Hayes.

This new community in Long Beach consists of four new two-story homes, with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and the homes include many features that are environmentally-friendly.

The Clarke Estates Homes would not have been possible without the support of the City of Long Beach, the Long Beach Community Investment Company, Edison International, Thrivent Financial, The Habitat LA Catholic Coalition, Habitat LA Long Beach Interfaith Coalition, and the many other sponsors and volunteers who helped build the homes.

This project was part of Habitat LA’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, which was created to address the lack of affordable housing and disinvestment in neighborhood infrastructure in Greater Los Angeles. Through this initiative, Habitat LA will invest $100 million into communities throughout Los Angeles and globally to complete 1,000 affordable homes for deserving families, veterans and people with disabilities. For the most up to date news from Habitat LA follow us on social media under @HabitatLA.