We have joined the Macy’s Shop For A Cause Charity Challenge, a fundraising competition on CrowdRise, and are competing for up to $300,000 in prize money. Habitat LA has joined the Challenge to raise money to build more affordable homeownership opportunities. We are grateful to Macy’s for their commitment to organizations like Habitat LA and for helping to raise millions of dollars for great causes!
Habitat LA is committed to the vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live by bringing together communities, organizations, companies and volunteers to achieve the goal of eliminating substandard housing. We believe in a hand up, not a hand out with a commitment to building self-reliance through homeownership, thereby empowering low-income families and individuals with the foundation to build a better future. Donations to the Macy’s Charity Challenge will help Habitat LA in achieving their goals of Building a Greater Los Angeles.
The Macy’s Shop For A Cause Charity Challenge runs through August 9th at 1:59:59pm ET. The charity that raises the most online during the Challenge wins $100,000; second place wins $50,000; third place wins $25,000; fourth place wins $15,000; and fifth place wins $10,000. Weekly Bonus Challenges enable charities to win up to another $100,000.
Help Habitat LA win the Macy’s Shop For A Cause Charity Challenge – donate now!