Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles volunteer, Tom Rooney, traveled to Canada this year for the 34th Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project (CWP). To mark Canada’s 150th anniversary, the CWP built 150 homes alongside 150 future Habitat homeowners.
Tom worked with Habitat for Humanity Edmonton where 75 of the 150 homes were built. Every morning all of the volunteers would take a four block walk to the build site. The future homeowners would line both sides of the street to shake hands and thank all of the volunteers. One of the highlights of any Habitat for Humanity build is connecting with the family whose home you are working on. Tom got to know a family of five from Bangladesh who have only been in Edmonton for two years. The father is a full-time engineering student at a local university and the mother works full-time to support the family.
“The CWP generated 150 new, low-income homes for families in need across Canada. There are more than 310 children under the age of 17 who will enjoy these homes that were built with love under President Carter’s direction,” says Tom. “Talk about changing lives for the better!”
The closing ceremony took place at an Edmonton Eskimo football game. All of the CWP participants were given special recognition on the field by the City of Edmonton.