A news story aired on March 1, 2015, on 60 Minutes, investigating possible health and safety violations made by Lumber Liquidators. The show found that the company’s Chinese-made laminate flooring may exceed formaldehyde standards. It was also mentioned that the company promotes flooring donations it has made to Habitat for Humanity. All of us at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) want to assure our partners, supporters and homeowners who may have seen the story that our affiliate does not use Lumber Liquidator products. Habitat LA uses flooring laminates from The Home Depot and Lowe’s. The independent testing lab obtained by 60 Minutes for this story determined that both The Home Depot and Lowe’s flooring laminates meet California’s formaldehyde safety standards. Please direct any questions regarding this matter to amullin@dev.habitatla.org.