Habitat LA Mourns the Loss of President Jimmy Carter

(Los Angeles, CA)–Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) joins the world in mourning the death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

With peace and grace, President and Mrs. Carter served as Habitat for Humanity’s most famous volunteers over the last 35 years as they helped build affordable homes worldwidewith the organization.After leaving the White House, the Carters sought out meaningful ways to continue their commitment to social justice and basic human rights. They first volunteered with Habitat for Humanity in March 1984. Each year since then, the Carters volunteered with Habitat to build or improve houses alongside homeowners incommunities across the United States and around the world. Inspiring millions over the last three decades, President and Mrs. Carter have worked alongside more than 104,000 volunteers across the U.S. and in 14 countries to build, renovate and repair 4,390homes.

“Habitat LA mourns the loss of President Carter and will honor his memory as a distinguished humanitarian committed to the enrichment of others. I have been fortunate to build alongside President and Mrs. Carter throughout the world, and Habitat LA was honored to host two Carter Work Projectshere in Los Angeles in 1995 and again in 2007,” said Erin Rank, President and CEOof Habitat of Humanity of Greater Los Angeles.“Having built alongside him, I always admired President Carter’s passion to share goodwill while making genuine connections with the people he encountered.”

President Carter once observed, “Habitat provides a simple but powerful avenue for people of different backgrounds to come together to achieve those most meaningful things in life. A decent home, yes, but also a genuine bond with our fellow human beings. A bond that comes with the building up of walls and the breaking down of barriers.”

Habitat LA will continue to honor President Carter’s extraordinary legacy by building homes, hope, and communities, embodying his vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Media Contact

Makebra Bridges
(562) 455-5804