Donations to ReStores Help Furnish & Build Homes in the Community

Posted by Karen Moore, ReStore Materials Acquisitions Manager

Karen_ReStoreThe Habitat for Humanity ReStore is such a BRILLIANT concept! Our ReStores provide a solution for items that one person may no longer have a use for, but to another person, it’s exactly what they need. Say for example, someone is purchasing a new refrigerator, but their old one is just a few years old and in perfectly good condition. Once donated to the ReStore, the older frig is sold for a fraction of its value to someone else. Everybody Wins! And here’s the icing on this delicious cake!…The money that is made from the sale of that frig and everything else sold at the ReStore, helps us to build and renovate more homes! Actually, about 9 homes per year!

It’s my job at the Los Angeles Habitat affiliate to increase the material donations to our ReStores. I continue to be amazed at how many people still do not know about the ReStores (and there are over 800 of them!). As soon as they discover for the first time that they can donate or shop at these treasure-troves, their face lights up with excitement and they always want to learn more. For me, it’s very gratifying to know that when one of our trucks arrives back to the ReStore from picking up people’s generous donations, all of those items will find new homes and will ultimately help someone else have a better home. I invite anyone who wants to learn more about the ReStore, what kinds of items we accept for donations or if you want to do some treasure-hunting, we’d love to see you! Click here for more info.

Monday, October 6th is World Habitat Day!  Please join us for a Twitter Party from 1pm to 2pm PT by following #WHDLA14 and @HabitatLA.  Click here for more details.