César Chávez Day

cesar chavezIn remembrance of César Chávez, we designate this day to celebrate his birthday as well as honor his commitment to social justice and human dignity. Chávez was a prominent labor leader and civil rights activist who dedicated his life to improving treatment, pay, and working conditions of farm workers. Being a farm worker since the age of 10, Chávez knew very well the difficulties farm workers were faced with. Hardened by his experience, he became heavily involved in helping fight racial and economic discrimination. In 1962, Chávez, along with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association. The National Farm Workers Association became the first successful farm workers union in the United States and is now known as the United Farm Workers of America. Chávez used principles of non-violence to bring attention to the plight of farm workers. He devoted himself to changing migrant camps, corrupt labor contractors, insufficient wages, and racism. Chávez and other farm workers boycotted, peacefully protested, and marched their way into a more fair collective bargaining process that successfully led to increased salaries, labor codes, protections, and benefits for farm workers.

We honor César Chávez and his fight to help others. Chávez demonstrated to the world, the importance of taking a stand to fight inequality. It is our responsibility to work toward equality and peace within our community. Join us at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles and discover ways to help those in need. At Habitat LA, we believe everyone deserves a decent and affordable place to call home. Join us in making a difference and Building a Greater Los Angeles.