The Biggest Storm of the Year Could Not Keep These Wells Fargo Volunteers from Building

Long-time Volunteer, Mia Joiner, shares her rainy build day with her Wells Fargo team.

“From a tiny spark, may burst a mighty flame.”

This quote so accurately describes our small, but mighty team from last Friday [January 20, 2017.]

Thank you to my dedicated group that came out in the pouring rain! Although weather conditions were not in our favor, we were definitely feeling the warmth with all of us working together for one goal. For this build we were at the Montebello site, which houses three duplex units.


We were fortunate again this time to be able to work alongside a future homeowner of the Bellflower site, Tiffany Group 2(pictured in green.) She is a single mom, trying to raise her son in a safer neighborhood. My favorite thing Tiffany mentioned was how excited her son is to hopefully be getting a dog when they move in. I remember getting my first dog at his age, and it is truly the best memory I have to date.

Thank you to the amazing Habitat for Humanity Greater Los Angeles crew, who always shows us what true work is all about. We always have a good time laughing alongside them, and hearing their stories.

Writings on the Wall

“A small team of A-plus players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.” – Steve Jobs

I can say without a doubt that the Habitat LA crew, and my team members are all A-plus players!