2020 Volunteer Highlights-
Greg Raasch

Greg Raasch smiling with construction gear on.

Greg Raasch gearing up for a day on the construction site!

Every Tuesday through Friday in 2019, you could find Greg, a dedicated Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) volunteer, donating his time and skills at our ten-home community construction site in Culver City. Ready with an anecdote chalked full of life lessons, Greg’s amazing attitude of gratitude has helped hundreds of other volunteers safely find their way as they to work to build homes for hardworking families. From working on underground utilities, to leading crews on the roof, Greg worked on every part of the construction site for the ten deserving families. Thank you, Greg, for all the great moments this past year and for your commitment to Habitat LA’s mission to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope.